National Latino Education Institute
2011 West Pershing Road
Chicago, Illinois 60609
National Latino Education Institute is committed to providing its campus community with a safe environment in which to learn and work. The Department of Education requires that all institutions of higher education provide an annual security report (1992). National Latino Education Institute (NLEI) provides an annual campus security report detailing on-campus crime statistics, campus security policies and the institutional Drug-Free Workplace policy. Crime statistics are included.
Pursuant to the Student-Right-To-Know-Act, all prospective students and prospective employees of NLEI will be informed of the report’s availability, provided with a summary of its contents, and given an opportunity to request a copy. The school’s Campus Security Report will be provided upon request.
Visitor Sign-In Procedure
All visitors are required to sign in as they enter the building. No one will be allowed to enter the facility until this has occurred. Any unauthorized entry into the facility, including students under the influence of drugs or alcohol, shall be immediately reported to a designated member of the administration, and immediately escorted out of the facility. The local police may also be contacted in the event of a serious matter.
Reporting Policies
The school’s policy regarding emergency situations and/or occurrence of crime or infraction of any other school security or safety policy (e.g. Drug-free Workplace), calls for students, staff and school personnel to report the above to the Education Director. The Education Director takes immediate and appropriate action, including calling the local police, and prepares a documented account of the situation and/or occurrence. When the Education Director is not available, the Administrative Operations Director or the Executive Director, will take immediate and appropriate action.
Documentation of the following major crimes and attempted crimes is maintained by the school and is available for review in the office of the Academic Director:
- Burglaries
- Sexual Assaults
- Vehicle Thefts
- Robberies
- Homicides
- Hate Crimes
The Academic Director maintains reports of the above major incidences, along with attempted crimes. Occurrences of other unlawful behavior, policy infractions and violations of school regulations, if any, are also documented and maintained by the school. These may include:
- Threatening, attempting, or using physical force, intimidation, etc., against any person on campus premises or at school-sponsored activities.
- Sexual harassment, as defined under the “Sexual Harassment Policy.â€
- Stalking, defined as harassment by repeated unconsented contact, which causes significant mental suffering or distress.
- Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances* on campus property or at school-sponsored activities.
- Possession, use, or storage of knives, firearms, fireworks, explosives or other lethal weapons on campus or school-sponsored events.
- Consumption or possession of any alcoholic beverages on campus property and/or intoxication on campus.
- Bomb threats, false fire reports or other false warnings or threats.
- Violation of any civil or criminal laws on campus or at school-sponsored activities.
*Controlled substances refer to all illegal drugs used without a physician’s order. It does not prohibit taking prescribed medication under the direction of a physician.
An analysis of occurrences is conducted to determine the need for additional security measures for greater assurance of the security and safety of the campus community.
In order to keep students aware of campus security, the Education Director distributes a memorandum and also verbally informs students, staff and school personnel of any on-campus criminal activity or occurrences that are considered to represent a continuing threat to the safety and security of the campus community and/or their property. When appropriate, this information is reported to school administrators and/or local police agencies. This timely warning policy is intended to prevent similar crimes from occurring, and to protect the personal safety of students and employees.
NLEI is committed to protecting the physical security and safety of students, employees and visitors through the consistent patrolling of campus grounds,
monitoring entry onto school property and by working with local police agencies. Notwithstanding, students and employees are encouraged to be responsible for their own safety and for the security and safety of others. To this end, students are asked to promptly report emergency situations, bizarre behavior, and real or potential disruptive or unlawful behavior, to security or school officials.
Any student may and is encouraged, to promptly report violations, infractions or unlawful behavior that they become aware of through observation or conversation to school officials for immediate action. Unconfirmed charges should be submitted in writing and filed for further investigation by the Executive Director or his/her designee, or for immediate action, as appropriate. All employees, including school officials with significant student contact, are required to report infractions or unlawful behavior, as well as provide relevant information for the preparation of the annual statistics crime report.
NLEI will also monitor, with the assistance of local police agencies, criminal activity in the surrounding area in order to make students, staff and school personnel aware of ominous off-campus threats to their physical safety and/or their property. The school will work with law enforcement officials in determining the necessary and appropriate distribution of such information, for the purpose of promoting crime prevention.
Security Personnel
NLEI has to date not required the use of a professional security company due to the small size of both its facility and student body. NLEI works in tandem with Chicago Police Department and CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy).
Student Conduct
Program participants and staff are expected to exhibit conduct appropriate to a business setting. Inappropriate or unacceptable behavior may result in dismissal from the program for program participants. Program Managers may take disciplinary measures after consulting with the appropriate school staff. A written Notification of Reprimand may be issued concurrently with a suspension of not more than two (2) days. If the program participant’s conduct is judged to be severe enough to be harmful to the student body, clients, guests and staff, dismissal from the program shall result.
Unacceptable behavior includes any action that interferes with maintaining a safe and comfortable environment for all persons working, learning, or visiting the organization. Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to,disruption of classroom activities, verbal abuse, substance abuse, physical altercations, plagiarism (cheating), and theft. In addition, weapons or incapacitating devices are prohibited on or around NLEI premises. Students who possess weapons including but not limited to knives, switch blades, mace, stun guns, firearms, etc., on or around NLEI premises will be dismissed from the program, barred from NLEI premises, and reported to the proper authorities.
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs
Smoking is not permitted in any of NLEI’s facilities. Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances are not permitted on the premises. Students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during the school day and/or while on the NLEI premises will be subject to the Random Drug Testing for Cause policy. Upon notification, the student must undergo a screening for illegal drug and/or alcohol use in accordance with the NLEI Program Drug Testing Policy. Students found to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances while on NLEI premises will be dismissed from training and barred from NLEI premises. Similarly, students who sell or attempt to sell illegal substances or alcohol on NLEI premises will be dismissed from training, barred from NLEI premises, and reported to the proper authorities.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
Sexual harassment is sexual attention that is unwelcome and unwanted—someone is treated in a way that he or she does not like or look for. Sexual harassment is harmful to students and employees in that it affects the victim’s physical and emotional health, ability to study and participate in school-sponsored activities. It is illegal—the US government and the courts have clearly stated that sexual harassment is against the law.
NLEI is committed to providing an environment free of sexual harassment and does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment of any student, staff, and/or faculty member, whether male or female. Conduct, whether intentional or unintentional, which results in sexual harassment shall not be tolerated. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the program. Dismissed students will be barred from NLEI premises.
A student who believes that he or she has been subjected to conduct which may constitute sexual harassment should immediately report the situation to the Education Director or other personnel as identified in the student handbook.
Sexual assault is an act of violence. Incidents of sexual assault will be reported to the Chicago police or other proper authority. Upon determination of sufficient cause, the student responsible for committing a sexual assault will be suspended or dismissed from the program. The victim will be offered referral services to NLEI’s counseling service or other appropriate supportive service agency.
Discrimination and Harassment
NLEI strongly believes that students, staff, and faculty should be treated with respect and without regards to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited basis. NLEI does not tolerate any form of harassment, joking remarks, or other conduct (including verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct) that demeans or shows hostility toward an individual based on these prohibited reasons; that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; or unreasonably interferes with an individual’s educational opportunities. Discrimination or harassment of an NLEI student, staff, faculty, or other individuals present within NLEI will not be tolerated. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination and/or harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the program. Dismissed students will be barred from NLEI premises.
A student who believes that he or she has been subject to conduct, which may constitute harassment and/or discrimination, should immediately report the situation to the Education Director or other personnel as identified in the student handbook.
Campus Security
NLEI promotes the concept of a safe and secure campus environment in which to study and work. All students are expected to abide by all laws while on campus or in the proximity of NLEI facilities. If any student becomes a victim of any crime, he or she should report the incident to the Education Director or other personnel as identified in the student handbook. If the situation is life-threatening, the student may contact the police emergency number of 911. A report of the incident will be completed in accordance with institutional policy. If a student commits any crime while on campus or in the proximity of NLEI property, the student is subject to immediate dismissal or other appropriate action and the proper authorities may be notified.
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
NLEI has developed the following procedures to facilitate notification and evacuation responses in an emergency:
Upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and/or employees occurring on the campus, NLEI will immediately notify the campus community using a systemized emergency communication procedure (the National Latino Education Institute Emergency Alert Notification System). NLEI has developed an integrated and comprehensive procedure which includes all of the following emergency alert systems: mass notification system announcements using a proprietary siren alert system and voice notifications utilizing campus telephone/intercom system.
NLEI will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless the notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist victims or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
The emergency notification process involves the receipt of information, the verification of this information, and the evaluation of the information, which then sets into motion the following actions:
- Determination if the entire campus community, or just an affected section, will receive the emergency alert notification.
- Compilation of the content of the emergency alert message
- Activation of the National Latino Education Institute Emergency Alert Notification System.
The following individuals, at a minimum, will routinely be involved in making these determinations/decisions:
- Executive Director
- Academic Director
- Administrative Director
The Executive Director and the Facilities Manager must be notified immediately of any and all emergency situations should they be away from the premises.
NLEI will disseminate the emergency information using its Emergency Alert Notification System (proprietary siren alert system and voice notifications utilizing campus telephone/intercom system). National Latino Education Institute Emergency Alert Notification System equipment is tested throughout the year to ensure it is working properly. At least once per calendar year, NLEI will conduct a full emergency alert evacuation drill.
Access to NLEI Facilities
NLEI facilities are private property. The facilities are intended for use by staff, students, clients, visitors and/or other authorized individuals.
Campus Safety and Security
NLEI provides yearly information about Safety and Security to the Department of Education.
This information can be found in the following link
Campus Safety and Security (
Last Available Reports